All Levels Ashtanga
Monday February 10th 6pm
an all levels flow moving through a portion of the Ashtanga Primary Series sequence synchronizing breath and movement. Come learn and experience a practice to cleanse, strengthen and gain flexibility in the body and mind as a way to support your life. Through consistent practice one can cultivate mental focus, vitality and a deeper sense of self awareness. You may find yourself challenged but in a way that is appropriate for you. Come as you are and you will be supported. Sign up here or email Kara at
*previous happenings*
new year’s day morning
an all levels flow moving body and breath welcoming this turn of time rooted in presence, intention and collective energy. Let go, be open and listen for what may be calling you this year…tomorrow..or even in the next breath 💛
new year. same you. dig deep.
please sign up here: or email Kara at
Thursday 11/28
begin the day with grounded movement, cleansing breath and meditation. Fill up with prana and peace before all the other stuff. This is an all levels donation based class. Donations will go to a local organization in need. Please sign up here:
I hope to see you 💛
Sunday September 15th
Kelvin Young is returning to The Practice Room for another powerful sound healing experience. Kelvin offers a holistic approach to relaxation, transformation and healing through sound. During a session, Kelvin utilizes the crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, gong, ocean drum, chimes and other healing tools to activate the relaxation response to calm your mind, relax your body, feel your emotions and nourish your soul. Please sign up here or email Kara at
To learn more about Kelvin visit
Thursday May 23rd
Spring is a time of awakening, growth, and the release of the stagnancy that may be left over from winter, while the full moon is a powerful time for reflection, introspection and release. Nature is a sacred teacher and honoring the moon reminds and connects us to our place and rhythm in nature and how much wisdom is present in both. Yoga Nidra, sometimes called “yogic sleep”, is a powerful supportive practice where the body and mind are guided into a state of deep relaxation while your consciousness remains aware and awake. Your body is completely supported by blankets, bolsters and any other comfort items you need allowing for deep rest and relaxation and access to your inner knowing, inherent wisdom and a remembrance of your true power✨🌕 All are welcome. Sign up is required here: or email Kara at
Thursday April 4th
In 2021 I took a meditation teacher training with the amazing Tracee Stanley and I have been learning and exploring these teachings ever since in my own personal practice and I’m so happy to share them with you. Yoga Nidra is a powerful supportive practice where the body and mind are guided into a state of deep relaxation while your consciousness remains aware and awake.
“You get to rest deeply and learn about true surrender by expanding your capacity to be held and supported. You may glimpse where and why you are stuck in repeating patterns. You become more peaceful and intuitive: you can amplify your clarity, creativity, self knowledge..” -Tracee Stanley, Radiant Rest
Your body will be supported by blankets, bolsters, and any other comfort items you need so you are completely supported and free to connect to your inner knowing. All are welcome. Space is limited. Sign up is required here: or email Kara at
Sunday February 25th
In honor of Nancy Gilgoff and to help support her current necessary healthcare costs, a group class moving through “Primary Series-as it was”...the sequence Nancy was taught on her first trip to Mysore, India in 1973. Over the years I’ve been privileged to spend time with Nancy learning and experiencing this practice, the art of teaching and adjustments. If you learned from me, you have learned from Nancy. I have so much reverence and gratitude for her and I’m proud to have come to this practice through her lineage. Please join me in honoring and supporting Nancy. All are welcome! This class has less postures and vinyasas than a usual primary series class. Sign up is required here: There is no online payment at this time. Class payments can be made via Venmo- @Kara-Richardson-10 or cash in studio. To donate to Nancy's gofundme directly:
Friday January 5th
Join me for an evening of gentle movement, breath and guided meditation to open the body, move energy, and calm the mind. space and stillness to access the insight and wisdom within. No experience with yoga or meditation is necessary. This class is for everyone. $15. Sign up at or email Kara at
Sunday November 5th
*THIS OFFERING IS FULL* please email Kara at to be added to the waitlist*
Val invites you to join her for an exploratory approach to the traditional practice of ashtanga yoga. Built on the foundation of breath guided movement, we'll work progressively through a sequence utilizing the ashtanga yoga primary and second series asana as our blueprint. Open to all interested students, this accessible approach to practice is a vigorous and fun exploration of posture and breath, balanced with time for restorative rest and group discussion.
A deep bow of gratitude to Kara for this invitation. See you in The Practice Room!
Val Schneiderman (ERYT – 500)
Val has studied and practiced ashtanga yoga for over 25 years. Under the guidance of many exceptional teachers, her individual teaching style has been nourished and developed over time. She believes that yoga practice is open to all, and actively seeks to dispel the misconception that a student needs be physically flexible to practice yoga. The traditional teachings of mindful movement, breath awareness and self-inquiry are of benefit to all interested practitioners, regardless of age, technical ability and/or level of experience. At its heart, Yoga is about getting to know one’s true nature…a place of joy, stillness, abundance, and well-being. Val’s goal as a teacher is to share with others the traditional teachings that have been transformational in her own life. It is with a deep sense of gratitude and commitment to the teachings that she shares this practice with others. Sign up here: or email Kara at to sign up.
Join us for a celebration of the Harvest Moon with Loli Arosemena
Saturday September 30th 7pm
*THIS EVENT IS FULL* please click the link below to be added to the waitlist*
Of course Loli’s short trip back home comes during with the harvest moon. She is our moon mama and there is so much joy for her return! If you have been with us before, you know how special the time is!
This majestic Harvest Full Moon will be right after the Equinox, the “day of equal light”. The Harvest Moon is due to the abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening as the sunset passes, which allows us to spend extra time doing some self-inquiry/harvesting just like a farmer. Expect to have Ayurvedic treats and homemade Cacao Elixir to help open the Castle of the Spirit, the Heart Chakra. The elixir is made with Mayan ceremonial cacao infused with Indian rose petals, at home harvest tulsi, cayenne, Panamanian cinnamon, and Egyptian saffron. This elixir serves as a protective shield on that powerful force field we will create with a restorative Moon salute sequence, Pranayama & Meditation. Communicating with our highest selves shall bring our minds to crystal clarity, activating a new course of happiness in our lives.
Come celebrate, release & surrender peacefully to the upcoming Harvest Season. Let it all Go, because when we practice, practice, practice, it shall all come!
In Lak'ech- Loli xoxo
Please sign up here or email Kara at
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